Who to Contact
Assistant Principals
Ida Ward - A - Dn English, World Languages
Tiffany Crumpton- Do- Kn, Special Education (IRR, CBI, GNETS),CTAE ESOL
Gail Ritchie- Ko - Ri, Science , Fine Arts , PE/Health
Logan Guilbeau - Rj-Z , Math, Social Studies
Administrative Assistants
Trey Henson- Athletic Director
Dr. Andrea Von Biberstein - Assistant Administrator, IB Coordinator, TAG Coordinator, Testing Coordinator
Amire Billups - Assistant Administrator
Stephanie Peet Instructional Coach, AP Testing
Amber Leggett, 504/RTI
Each Administrator is assigned a grade level and academic department.
For discipline concerns, please contact the administrator who serves your child's last name.
A - Dn- Ida Ward
Do- Kn- Tiffany Crumpton
Ko-Ri- Gail Ritchie
Rj - Z - Logan Guilbeau
What? / Who ?
- Parking Trey Henson
- Attendance Sharinette Johnson
- School Device Deployment /Learning Commons. Christa Heath
- Textbooks Christa Heath
- Special Education Services
- Student Records Getra White
- New Enrollment Nancy Stickel
Academic Concerns
For academic concerns, parents should first contact the teacher.
If parents have continued needs or concerns, parents are advised to contact the appropriate department chair first.
Then, the administrator who supervises the subject/department as shown:
Department Chairs
AVID Coordinator - Latrese Fintak
ELA Shaun Manny
CTAE Maddie Robinson
ESOL Holly Oran
Fine Arts Chelsea Burney
Math Shannon Keane
P.E. David Kelly
Science Christine Behymer
Social Studies Mackin Hennessey
World Languages Raquel Martinez
Special Education Department-Beth Burton
IST Erica Reddick
Counseling Staff
- Nsikan Expo - Counselor - A-Dn
- Heidi Ruppe - Counselor Do-Kn
- Melissa Freeman - Counselor Ko-Ri
- Hella Peart - Counselor Rj-Z
- Ayana Holloway - Graduation Coach
- Erika Cohen - Social Worker
- Pem Wilson-School Psychologist
- Marilu Anderson Parent Liaison for Spanish speakers/ESOL
Academic Advisement and Counseling:
A counselor is assigned to serve our students and families for four years.
Students are assigned based on the following alphabetical groups (by student last name)
Centennial Counseling Website
Centennial College and Career Center